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Senin, 13 Mei 2013

man jadda wajada

Last day, it was happen when I was in the first semest of eleven grade(science).
I like biology. But, i also sometimes dislike it, cause it’s more hardwork to memorize allof biology names. And it’s so confused.
But, when someday that i’ll never suppose. Fistly, i like biology , ‘cause my score is in the middle semest in the mid exam. I hope my score is 96!!
I’ve put the score in any paper and i‘vehardwork to memorize all of in biology subject. But, i feel disappointed when I get the result is 73,5!!*&^%
And i feel enoyed with biology&*%$#plak!!
But when the day examination, I feel, I’ve to study more!!
I only get under KKM.
My score is 96!!
It’s my score that “I WANT” in the middle exam.
Now, I’ve concluded if Allah always wil give all of our hope.
But the time??%
Only Allah who know it!!
The important, we’ve hardwork about our hope!
èand I shouutt!
“what do we have today?!”
“great spirit”
“marvelous achivement”
“and our dreams come true”

just kidding^^

                One day, there’s a Javanese named Dodo. He’d like to go to a bank. Arrived in the bank, he looked the door written “OPEN”. And he think….?#$%
                Suddenly, there’s a Chinese would like to enter the bank, then Dodo shouts,” don’t enter mr.!!”, but the Chinese don’t listen his shouts. And he entered the bank.
                A minute laters, there’s an African exit from the bank, Dodo looked the African and said,”I’ve said to you, don’t enter the bank , but you don’t listen to me, and now!! Look your body, burnt right?
ètranslated by: efzet_fazaç

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